A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird #1) by Claudia Gray


Not gonna lie, A Thousand Pieces of You was a book I added to my TBR list solely for it’s cover. I didn’t even read the description of the book before I added it because the cover it so gorgeous! I mean really, just look at it! It might be one of my favorite covers ever – I’m kind of obsessed with it. That said, I’m SO glad I decided to read it because I looooved the book!

Marguerite grew up with physicists for parents, so she’s no stranger to experiments and gadgets strewn about her house. Her parents and their research assistants Paul and Theo develop a device that they call the Firebird that allows people to jump through different dimensions. This invention is set to change science forever…until her dad is killed and Paul appears to be the killer. Paul takes off to another dimension, and Marguerite and Paul quickly follow, hoping to get justice for her father. Before long, Marguerite starts doubting Paul’s guilt, and begins to realize her feelings for him. As she jumps through dimensions, she begins to learn there was far more to her father’s death than she ever could have imagined…

Let me just say again, I loved this book! I’ve never read a book with the same concept, so that made it unique for me. I really enjoyed that the book was told with a scientific mindset, similar to Dark Matter. There was a lot of talk about the science and physics that allowed Marguerite to jump between dimensions but it was never overwhelming to the point where I was confused. I also likes that there were rules put in place, such as not being able to jump backward or forward in time, or to dimensions where Marguerite hadn’t been born.

There was a brief time where I thought we were going to end up with a love triangle, and I got slightly annoyed for a few minutes, worrying that we had another young woman who fell in love with any man who showed her attention, HOWEVER, the author did a great job at making Marguerite quickly learn who she actually had feelings for without dragging that decision out. I appreciated that.

I found myself really engaged in the story and I was dying to find out where the story would go and whether or not Marguerite would make it home safely. All of my questions were answered and the resolution of this book set the second book up perfectly, without leaving us with a huge cliffhanger. I cannot wait to read book two – I’m planning to start it tonight so I can find out what happens next! I definitely recommend this one to fans of YA sci-fi who are looking for an adventurous story!

6 thoughts on “A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird #1) by Claudia Gray

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